`` Emotion arises at the place where mind and body meet. It is the body’s reaction to your mind – or you might say, a reflection of your mind in the body `` Eckhart Tolle
and mind
Igan Style manufactures wellness equipment for individuals and wellness centers.
Igan Style interprets the concept of wellness, intended as a true philosophy of life, aimed at rediscovering your psycho-physical balance and designed to achieve vitality and harmony.
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the perfect alchemy for rediscovering yourself
We want to spread the scent of essential oils, the warmth of our saunas and steam baths, the sound of a tropical waterfall in your shower, the feeling of 1,000 bubbles wrapping your body in the whirlpool, the starry sky with its soothing blue color or energizing red, yellow for serenity.
One gesture, a thousand emotions – well-being for your body and mind. Discover how valuable your RELAX is – lie down, clear your mind, and treat yourself to some time by browsing our site.